Hello crochet friends, I’m Majovel! Happy day to all! These weeks I have been posting on this page a series of special hooks with compilations of my best designs. Each of them dedicated to a particular garment. From what I’ve seen, you liked it a lot. This week I have set to work and I created this special compilation crochet with four of my favorite points, with their respective patterns and video tutorials. So you will have easy access to them if you have not seen or if you want a quick way to access allos. Let’s see those dresses!


Each of the points below have a link that gives access to the blog. You can also access the blog tutorial by clicking on the image of the desired point. Within the blog you will find the pattern and the videotutorial. The videotutorial is in the lower part, after the pattern. On this page there are four points you just have to select the one you like the most and give the image or the link that has the title of the point. I hope it helps you.

  Crochet heart stitch very easy and simple

I bring you a simple stitch, very fun I have ideal to make almost any garment that comes to mind. The hearts motive, as you can see, is a very funny, colorful motif that looks good with a great variety of colors. The stitch is very easy, simple and quick to make. Surely they give you many ideas to carry out your work. Let’s see that wonderful stitch!

2 - Crochet IMAGEN Punto de corazón a crochet y ganchillo. MAJOVEL CROCHET

3 - Crochet IMAGEN Punto de corazón a crochet y ganchillo. MAJOVEL CROCHET



Knitting crochet fans very easy and fast

As always, I try to bring you a point that gives you ideas to do any kind of work. The fan point is one of the ones that you have always liked the most. It is one of the most versatile, beautiful and easy to make points. Surely with him you can do many beautiful tasks such as ponchos, blouses, sweaters, also a nice shawl.

1 - Crochet Imagen punto abanicos a crochet muy facil y rapido Majovel Crochet
Click on the image to access the tutorial
2 - Crochet Imagen punto abanicos a crochet muy facil y rapido Majovel Crochet
Click on the image to access the tutorial



Fan point with crochet puff point

Today I bring you a really creative point. It’s a beautiful point, I know you love the fan points. I’ve also noticed that you really like the puff point, so, this week I’ve set to work to bring you this wonderful combined point. I think they look great together!

1 - Crochet Imagen Punto de abanicos con punto puff a ganchillo Majovel Crochet
Click on the image to access the tutorial
2 - Crochet Imagen Punto de abanicos con punto puff a ganchillo Majovel Crochet
Click on the image to access the tutorial



Crochet stitch for blankets, blankets, jerseys.

A really interesting point and all terrain, that’s what I bring you today for the channel hooks. I think it’s one of the most versatile points that I’ve uploaded to the channel. With a little imagination you can do almost any job with this beautiful stitch. It is a variety of a stitch that we have already made in the channel.

1 - Crochet Imagen Majovel crochet puntada para cobijas, mantas , jerseis y chambritas.
Click on the image to access the tutorial
2 - Crochet Imagen Majovel crochet puntada para cobijas, mantas , jerseis y chambritas.
Click on the image to access the tutorial



Crochet stitch for blankets and blankets

I see that these days you are really enjoying the points for blankets. I love this kind of work just like you. I bring this precious point so that your blankets are really great.

1 - Majovel Crochet y ganchillo Imagen puntada para mantas y cobijas
Click on the image to access the tutorial
2 - Majovel Crochet y ganchillo Imagen puntada para mantas y cobijas
Click on the image to access the tutorial



These garments are woven with yarn from the brand Ice yarns in particular Camilla cotton here I leave this. Also I leave this link in case you want to see more threads and wool special baby wool You also have my post on the meaning of the points in the following link. A hug and thank you very much for your time hooks! These days you are making me very happy with all your comments and all your love with the videotutorials that I am doing. I could not be more grateful. Thanks, hookers!

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